Saturday, January 31, 2009

Ruby Got Mail

Things have been a little low-key here on Eastern Parkway. Robby got some sort of flu to reckon with the past couple days, but we all managed to make it out on a short bagel run this morning. (And they were disturbingly large.) When we got back, we found the first package addressed solely to Ruby -- some socks that look like shoes.

A few photos of Ruby, in a bear suit, with the package:

Meanwhile some (censored, yet triumphant) shots from Ruby's diaper-changing pad:

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Back to the Car

Ruby made a re-entry into the world of car travel today to go to her one-week doctor's appointment. All went well. The doctor let us know she regained 11 ounces since last Friday, and commented on how strong Ruby's chicken legs are and how alert she was, looking about the trendily wallpapered examination room.

Mai and I got greedy though, and did a couple errands afterward, and the peaceful little outing turns to roars of tears. But not many.

Here are some pre-roar shots of car seat sittings and exam room waitings:

Monday, January 26, 2009

Only Cousins Admitted

How about this? The digital world allows Ruby to hang with her cousins Abbey and Ethan:

Meanwhile, we've stopped keeping track of bowel movements. Let's just say there is no longer any worry of constipation.

Note Reg the Feet Photo

Mai asks that no one judge us by our feet. My big toe recovers from a bloodied stub from a recent basketball injury, hers still swollen from last week's events. Ruby's seems alright.

It was an incredibly complicated photo to take, so we may not try to improve on it.

Meanwhile here's a couple shots from the other day when Aunt Thuy and boyfriend Ben Steinberg dropped by with a dog that makes womb-like and rain noises. They also brought a couple new nickname ideas: Rubenstein and Rhubarb Pie.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Feet Time

A comparative study of feet.

Ruby Wakes

A video presentation:

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Ruby Turns 100 (hours)

Yes, a party! Ruby's 100th hour came with some fussiness at 1:18pm today. We dressed her up in an oversized bear outfit, and posed her with a couple new friends including 'Mr Morgan,' who was Robert's first stuffed dog some 40 years ago. Perhaps Ruby just didn't want to steal any thunder from her Aunt Susan's 32nd birthday though.

After several days of prodding at the hospital, we spent day five happily at home -- even fitting in Ruby's debut appearance in a Sling.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Ruby Day Four

Ruby made it home today. It was, like her trip earlier the week (birth), not a trip without difficulties. Her ID bracelet at the hospital had long been lost -- Mai never remembers seeing it, not me since day one -- and the hospital held us up a while as new paperwork was made; meanwhile I found the car battery outside was dead -- the parking garage guy tried and tried and finally got it working ($20 tip) -- and my phone battery was blinking red to send back progress reports to Mai. We finally got out and drove to Ruby's first doctor appointment -- all's good. Ruby didn't seem to care much when I pointed out City Hall, where mama and pops were married, or Brooklyn Bridge or Brooklyn itself. But we all feel glad to be at home, and sleeping by the Eames chair.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Ruby Day Two-Three

Here are some photos taken of Ruby on her second and third day, spent in a lush private room at Manhattan's St Luke's Roosevelt hospital. We have a flat-screen TV (never turned on), an uncomfortable cot (slept in), very good free meals (open-faced steak sandwich superior to the not-bad duck; pictured).

Ruby cried and squirmed much of the second day, but got some welcome breaks from coddling skills of Aunt Thuy and Mr John Whitaker. Ruby then rebounded with a boing on the third day -- good feeding, ample diaper fillings, long naps on pop, and restful sits in visitors arms like Sesame hounds Giao, Anita, Stephanie and Renee.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Ruby Day One

Ruby Nguyen Reid was born on January 20 at 9:18am at Manhattan's St Luke's Roosevelt Hospital. She got a free hat and little blanket wrap. Here are a few photos from the tired parents after 30-some hours of contractions and a c-section birth. All ended up well.