Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Ruby is the Word

After sleeping through most of the Super Bowl, Ruby has enjoyed a new era of a few grander spit-ups, and is starting to warm up to her biggest toy: a battery-operated swing. Now, if you're going to make a swing -- and it has huge alien legs, so not the sort of thing you plan to take with you to the park -- you might consider having it electricified. Does anyone remember D batteries? Our local grocer did not, and we had to track a few done at a more distant hardware store. Ruby rebelled the lack of a power chord for a couple days too -- evident in squeals and spine-chilling cries whenever put in the swing, but we've all softened our stance on it.

Meanwhile, the following video presentation, with an edited soundtrack, come with a CONTEST:

--> The first to name the song featured, and the artist, will win a virtual Ruby Ribbon as a prize.


  1. Unless I am mistaken, that is SUSSUDIO by PHIL COLLINS. Yeah, take a good look at ME now.

  2. I had the song in maybe 20 seconds!!! But I see I got beat! If I could not pick out a Phil Collins song Dad would be very disappointed :)


  3. This is impressive, but also sick.

  4. Whoops. I thought it was "Glory Days" by Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band.

  5. Matt want to know where he can vote that Ruby looks like John SPE Spelman Superstar? (Which is kind of burn?)
