Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Ruby Blanket

Mai's knitting group has given Ruby a super blanket -- one knitted by four knitting friends Tatiana, Maxine, Betty, Seeta and Madeline, who each knitted pieces of it around the globe. Portions of it were worked on in Amsterdam, Ghana, Kenya AND Brooklyn. Ruby thanks you!


  1. We are hoping Ruby goes many, many days without urinating on her Ruby blanket. As to prior posts, it was good to see the Toms outing, and "Tom" looks like he was delighted. You should also know that "The Cheeks are Chubby (The Cheeks)" is a wildly popular hit in the Southwest Oklahoma City area, with children singing their stuffed bears to sleep to the song nightly.

  2. I think it's official: Ruby is the cutest baby ever!!

  3. What a gorgeous blanket! Talents are possessed.
